Accredited Professionals
Accredited Professionals
If you would like to find out more about the Enneagram, either through one-to-one work, coaching or joining a group, please contact a professional near you. They will direct you to an appropriate group or person if they cannot help you directly themselves.
Below is a list of qualified Enneagram practitioners who have certified with the three schools listed below. The main schools for certified teaching, training and professional accreditation in Ireland and the UK are:
All of these practitioners are committed to abiding by the Enneagram Alive Code of Ethics.
* This is an initial listing of Enneagram professionals in Ireland and the UK. We will be updating this list on a regular basis as we develop the Enneagram Alive website into a full membership platform.
If you are an accredited Enneagram professional and would like to be listed here, please contact the Enneagram Alive team at