Online Resources
Suggested Websites
A Google search of "The Enneagram" brings up over 4,620,000 results, making it hard to discern which are dependable, valid, and trustworthy.
Here, as an initial guide, we present some personal preferences. We make no claim to this being an exhaustive list and have no commercial interest in promoting these or any other resources presented mentioned on this site.
For reliable web-based information on the Enneagram, its history and the Nine Types, visit:
The Narrative Enneagram - home of The Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition (Helen Palmer and David Daniels), offers a tour of types, online test, history.
The Enneagram Institute - home of the Don Richard Riso & Russ Hudson School; offers comprehensive information, tour of types, tests, etc.
Conscious TV - A UK web-based channel with over 400 recorded programmes, including: in-depth interviews with A. H. Almaas, Helen Palmer, Tom Condon, among others. Plus: panels for each Enneagram type.
Helen Palmer's Website - a wealth of useful information from the co-founder, together with David Daniels of the Enneagram Professional Training Program offered by Enneagram Worldwide.
David Daniels' Website - for great articles and information
Peter O'Hanrahan's Website - which offers good resources, articles etc.
Chestnut Paes Academy - good for general and subtype information
Integrative9 - good for business coaching
The Enneagram in Business - focused on business coaching, training and organisational development